worksheet question

 Q1.Who invented Spinning Jenny?
Q2.Who were Jobbers ?
Q3.Who were Gomastha?
Q4.What is meant by proto-Industrialisation.How it is different from the present
        factory production?
Q5.What were the causes that led to the breakdown of the export trade network 
       which was controlled by the Indian merchant?
Q6.Which industry was the first to develop in the era of factory production and
Q7.How did East India Company procure regular supply of cotton and silk textiles 
       from the Indian Weavers ?
Q8.Why did some industrialist in 19th century Europe prefer hand labour over
Q9.Explain the impact of the First World War on the Indian Industry.
Q10.Small scale industry continued to predominate in India. Comment and explain 
       the role of Advertisement 
Q11.Mention some important reasons for the popularity of novels .
Q12.Distinguish between bangar and khaddar soils.
Q13.What are Resources.State the different ways in which resources can be
      classified .
Q14.What do you mean by Resource Planning ? What are its different stages?
Q15.State some important measures of resource conservation.Suggest suitable 
       measures for controlling land degradation
Q16.Describe the factors that contribute to the formation and fertility of soil.
Q17.Describe the major features of the black soil and Alluvial soil.
Q18.Define Sustainable development
Q19.What is the main criterion used by the world bank in classifying different 
      countries ? What are the limitations of this criterion, if any.
Q20.In what respect is the criterion used by the UNDP for measuring development
      from the one  used by the world bank ?
Q21.Why do we use Average ? Are  there any limitation to their uses ? Illustrate 
     with your own examples related to development .
Q22.Kerala with a lower per capita income has a better human development ranking
       than Maharashtra .Hence ,per capita income is not a useful criterion at all and
      should not be used to compare states . Do you agree ? Discuss.
Q23.The earth has enough resources to meet the needs of all but not enough to
       satisfy the greed of even one person.  Explain.
Q24.Define :
    Development ,Gross enrolment ratio,  human development index , IMR,
     life expectancy , Literacy rate, national income ,sustainable development ,
      per capita income , BMI
Q25.Development for one may not be development for another justify
Q26.Explain the difference between primary, secondary and tertiary sectors
Q27.How to create more employment ?
Q28.Write short note on ;
    Disguised unemployment, MNREGA, intermediate goods and final goods ,   
     GDP,    problem of double counting
Q29.How would you distinguish between organized and unorganized sectors .
Q30.How to protect workers in the unorganized sector.
Q31.Explain how public sector contribute  to the economic development of a 
Q32.Why power sharing is desirable?
Q33.Describe in brief the major forms of power-sharing arrangement in modern 
Q34.Define Majoritarianism.What steps have been taken to establish Sinhala  
Q35.How was the conflict between the two community resolved in Belgium?
Q36.What is the main difference between a federal form of government and a  
       unitary  Government?
Q37.Expain the features of federalism.
Q38.Mention the ways in which federalism has been strengthened in india.
Q39.Write sort note on :
  Coalition government ,regionalism , decentralization and its need
Q40.Enumerate the changes relating to local government as brought by the
     constitutional amendment in 1992 .
Q41.Do all the states in the Indian union enjoy equal power? Illustrate with the help 
      of an example.
Q42.If Agriculture and commerce are state subjects ,why do we have ministers for 
       agriculture and commerce in the union cabinets.
Q43.Describe in brief the structure of rural and urban local bodies n India.


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