the age of industrialisation

1.The magician at the top is ALLADIN. He built  a beautiful palace with his
magic lamp. Aladdin is shown as representing the East and the past.
2. The magician at the bottom is the modern mechanic He weaves a new
magic with his modern tools . He builds bridges , ships , tower and high
–rise buildings . The mechanic stand for the west and modernity.
It refers to the system of industries that existed in Britain before the arrival of modern machine – run factories.
Industries during pre-modern industrial phase were run basically with the help of human labour
Human skill and dexterity was employed to produce world –class goods that were sold in international markets
Production was carried out in decentralized units. These were controlled by merchant
The merchant supplied money to peasant and artisans and collect the produced goods and sold it in the international market for huge profit
      It is due to world trade and acquisition of colonies in different part of the world, demand for good increases worldwide
      Production in town could not be increased .as it was controlled by the trade guilds
It is the association of producer that trained craft people ,maintained control over production ,regulated competition and prices ,And restrict the entry of new people into the trade .
The ruler of the town granted monopoly rights
merchant were not dependent on urban craft for supply of goods that’s why they approach the artisan and peasant
They had neither the resources nor the ability to tap the growing global market for manufactured goods
Peasant had tiny pieces of land .This could not provide work for all the member of the family .They have to depend on open field and common property resources for their basic survival.
Merchant offered them money to produce goods
They get a alternative source of income right at their doorstep .
Artisans ,merchant ,stapler ,fullers dyers etc .Each of them was located at different places. The finishing was done in London
Cotton textile industry was the first to develop in the era of factory production.
A series of invention took place in 18th century directly influence the process of production of cotton textile . Each step in the production chain , carding twisting ,spinning and rolling was benefitted
These enhanced the productivity of labour. Output per worker increased
Machine made it possible to produce strong threads and yarn
Cotton mills came to be set up .during the phase of proto industrialization different processes were carried out by different craftsmen, at different locations. with the setting up of mills , it become possible to establish all the processes at one place under one roof.
Different processes of production under one roof brought them under one management .this allow more careful supervision over the production process , a watch over quality and regulation of labour
How rapid was the process of industrialization
cotton and metals emerged as the most dynamic industries in Britain  initially , it was the cotton industry that led the industrial revolution in England .In later phase iron and steel industry assumed this position. The new industries could not easily displace traditional industries . About 80 percent of the total workforce of England was employed in traditional
Ordinary and small innovation set the pace of change in traditional
Technological changes were slow to occur . They did not spread dramatically across the   
   industrial landscape it is because :
New technology was expensive ,specially when seen against the background of the fact that  
  labour were relatively cheaper
The machine often broke down . The require to be maintain  and repaired . Repair was costly
The machine were not found to be as effective as their inventors and manufactures claimed .
The fear of unemployment made workers hostile to machines . Hence ,
the merchant and industrialists were cautious about making use of these technological wonders
Labour supply during Victorian age (Britain)
There was no shortage of labour , poor peasant move to the cities in large no in search of work
Wages were low that’s why industrialist preferred hand labour over machines due to:
(a)  Seasonal work: Many industries were seasonal in nature . During season these were under pressure goods to produce more to meet market demand at other times , they did not have much to do. Such industrialist preferred hand labour and employed worker for the season.
(b) Custom –oriented production : A number of product could be produced only with hand labour . This was specially true of those product that involved intricate designs and specific shapes. Machines were designed to produce only uniform , standardized products for the mass market.
(c)  Preference of upper class: Upper class preferred goods produced by hand . They were better finished , individually produced and carefully designed . They symbolized refinement and class .
It means in Britain machine could not easily displace human labour
Life of worker in England during 19 century
As labour is in surplus their life was effected by many ways .
There were limited job opportunities . A mass of workers remained unemployed . They had to spend long hours and energy in pursuit of jobs
Many industries were seasonal in nature . During off-season , the worker in those industries used to find themselves on road
Rising prices badly affected the worker . Their wages would not change. It would mean that real incomes continued to decline during the period .
Low wages coupled with unemployment resulted in widespread poverty and misery among the working clans.

More employment opportunities came to be created  when building activity intensified in the cities . Activity like widening of roads , construction of railway stations and their extension ,digging of tunnels , laying down of drainage and sewers , embankment of rivers etc . All proved to be labour intensive
SPINNING  JENNY       by    James Hargreaves
This machine speeded  up the process and reduced labour demand by turning one single wheel , a worker could set in motion a number of spindles and spin several threads at the same time .
when it was introduced in England women workers attack the new machines ,they were afraid of that they would be thrown out of jobs
Surat on the Gujarat coast connected India to the gulf and red sea ports ,Masulipatnam on the Coromandal coast and Hoogly in Bengal had trade link with South East Asian ports
The network of export trade that existed in India till the early 18th century
A variety of merchant and bankers were involved in this network .
Supply merchant: They linked the port town to the inland region ,They give advance to weaver ,collect the woven cloths and supply it to the ports.
Brokers : They worked as intermediaries between the shippers and the merchants. They negotiated the price and bought goods from the supply merchants operating inland
Shippers and Export Merchants: They undertook the job of shipping and transporting goods to the export destination
By 1750’s The network of export trade controlled by Indian Merchant was breaking down
1. The European companies were gaining power ,they secured monopoly right to trade
2.Loocal bankers were slowly going bankrupt.
3.The credit that finance the earlier trade began drying up ,as the old network of export trade broke down the importance of Surat port declined
The European companies began to take more interest in development of ports at Bombay and Calcutta
It indicate the growth of the colonial power
How East India Company acquired monopoly right over textile export from India
Initially the Indian weavers and merchant had a number of selling options in the form of the French ,Dutch and Portuguese buyers.
The company is not getting regular supply cotton and silk textiles from Indian weavers. The company took the following steps
1.It secured monopoly rights to trade between Indian and Europe . As a result the other competitors were simply eliminated
2.It tried to eliminate the existing traders and brokers connected with the cloth trade .
3.It established a more direct control over the weavers . For this purpose ,it appointed an official called gomastha
A gomastha was a paid employee of the company .His job was to supervise weavers, collect supplies and examine the quality of cloth.
4.The company began making advance payment to the weavers against any order . These payments enabled weavers to purchase the required raw materials . The finished products had to be delivered to the company . These weavers were not allow to sell their produce to any one else
Outcome : The weaver have to supply goods and raw material to the east India company only.
They are not getting better price for their product
Earlier supply merchant had close relationship with the weaver but the new gomastha were outsiders .they acted arrogantly, marched into village with sepoys and peons, and punish for delays in supply often beating and flogging them.
Loan tied them to the company
Weavers along with the village traders revolted opposing the company official
By the turn of 19th century weavers faced a new set of problems
Manchester comes to India:
One of the official stated that demand for Indian textile can never reduced
By the beginning of 19 century there is decline in textile export of India
Reason:  development of cotton industry in England (Manchester )
Industrial group pressurized the govt to impose import duty on imported good so that Manchester good can sell in Britain and in India
The export market of Indian weaver collapsed and the local market shrank
There is increase in Manchester goods
By 1860 Indian weaver faced  new problem they could not get sufficient supply of raw material
When American civil war broke out cotton supplies from the US were cut off , Britain turned to India for supply of fine quality of raw cotton
By the end of 19th century  weaver faced new problem ,factory in India began producing , flooding the market with machine goods
Factory comes up:
first cotton mill in Bombay 1854
First jute mill in Bengal 1855
Who set up the industries where did the capital come from who came to work in the mills?
From where the capital come from
The Early enterprises :
In 18th century British export opium to china and took tea from china to england .Many indians became junior player in this trade ,provide finance and collect supplies
For example ;
Dwarkanath Tagore ,Dinshaw petit and Jamsetjee Nusserwanjee  Tata and Seth Hukumchand
There are many commercial group they  were not directly involved in  external trade
Till the first world war European Managing Agencies in fact controlled a large sector in Indian industry they mobilized the capital
for example : Bird Heiglers and Co , Andrew Yule , and Jardine skinner and Co.
Where did the workers come from?
In most industrial region workers come from the district
Peasant and artisan who found no work in village went to the industrial centre in search of work.
When news of employment spread , worker travelled great distance  in the  hope of work  in the mills
The job seekers were more than the jobs available
Industrialist employed jobbers to  get new recruits
Jobbers were the old  and trusted  worker , he got people  from his village , ensured them job, helped them settled in city and provide them money in time of crisis
The peculiarities of industrial growth :
By the first decade of twentieth century a series of changes affected the pattern of industrialization .
As the swadeshi movement gathered momentum nationalist mobilized people to boycott foreign cloth. It was a signal for Indian industry to produce those goods which give a big push in the Indian market
Industrial group organized themselves to protect their  interest  by pressurizing the govt to increase tariff and grant concessions.
Some industries were set up by the Indian businessman  they avoid producing those goods in which they had to compete with British manufactured goods
Export of yarn to china declined as Japanese and Chinese mills flooded the Chinese market so Indian industrialist  began shifting from yarn to cotton.
Till the first world war industrial growth was slow, the war created new situation while British mills were busy in war production Manchester imports to India declined as the war prolonged Indian factories were called to supply war needs jute bags cloths leather boots , army uniforms etc
New factory were setup and old one were run in multiple shift
After the war Manchester could never recapture its old position in the Indian market unable to compete with the U.S  , Germany and Japan etc
Local industries captured the home market.
Small scale industry:
The first world war had provide an opportunity for large scale industry but these are less
Small scale  industry predominance were as follows:
Nature of technological changes: The technological changes proved beneficial to the small scale producer. Fly shuttle is one such example
Small industries readily adopted the new technology
helped them to improve production and was not expensive
Nature of cloth produced : Finer variety of cloth could not be produced by the machine  for example , Banarasi of Baluchari saris with woven borders, or the famous lungis and handkerchiefs of madras These involve fine craftsmanship
They had a stable demand among the richer sections of the society
Mode of advertisement used by the British  manufacturer in India:
1.They prominently displayed the label ‘Made in Manchester’ on their product The label stood out as a symbol of quality and standard of the product
2.Images of Indian gods and goddesses regularly appeared on these labels these are so designed that they conveyed the message that the product met with divine approval
3.Images of important persons , emperors and Nawabs were also prominently used in different advertisement materials .
The idea being conveyed was that if the product is being produced under royal command , it must be of good quality.

4.Manufacturers were printing calendars to popularize product,those who could not read.


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