Q1.Why did Metternich describe Mazzini as “the most dangerous enemy of our     
      social order”?
Q2.What was July revolution?
Q3.Describe the process of unification of Great Britain.
Q4.Write a short note on Treaty of Vienna ?
Q5.Steps taken by French revolutionary to create sense of collective identity.
Q6.Describe the process of unification of Italy and unification of Germany.
Q7.Nationalism, aligned with imperialism, led Europe to disaster in 1914.Explain
Q8.Who was Marianne and Germania
Q9.Who remarked “when france sneezes the rest of Europe catches cold”?
Q10.Write short note on :
       Chauri-chaura incident,    Jallian wala Bagh Incident,  Gandhi Irwin pact,
       poona pact, Lahore session of congress ,Justice party,  Bardoli resolution,
       Inland Immigration Act, Rowlatt Act , Govt of India Act 1919
 Q11.Why was the Khilafat Movement ? Why did Gandhiji consider it important to
          support the Khilafat Movement ?
Q12.What is meant by the idea of Satyagraha ?Why was it adopted as a mode of 
         struggle ?
Q13.Descreibe the different stages of  the Non cooperation movement.
Q14.  “Swaraj meant different things to different people” Discuss the hopes and 
            disappointments of those who participated.
Q15.What were the ideals of the different social groups that participated in the Civil  
       Disobedience  Movement ?
Q16.How did Mahatma Gandhi find in ‘salt’ a powerful symbol that could unite the
Q17.Who invented Spinning Jenny?
Q18.Who were Jobbers ?
Q19.Who were Gomastha?
Q20.What is meant by proto-Industrialisation.How it is different from the present
        factory production?
Q21.What were the causes that led to the breakdown of the export trade network 
       which was controlled by the Indian merchant?
Q22.Which industry was the first to develop in the era of factory production and
Q23.How did East India Company procure regular supply of cotton and silk textiles 
       from the Indian Weavers ?

Q24.Why did some industrialist in 19th century Europe prefer hand labour over
Q25.Explain the impact of the First World War on the Indian Idustry.
Q26.Small scale industry continued to predominate in India. Comment and explain 
       the role of Advertisement  
Q27.Mention some important reasons for the popularity of novels .
Q28.State in brief the contribution of Munshi Premchand  to the growth of Hindi   
Q29.How does Chandu Menon  seek to solve the dilemma of young persons of 
       colonial India :How to be modern without rejecting tradition?
Q30.In what ways the novel in colonial India useful for both colonizer as well as 
        the nationalist.
Q31.Describe the way in which the novel in India attempted to create a sense of 
         pan-Indian belonging.
Q32.Describe how the issues of caste was included in novels in India . by referring
        to any two novels ,discuss the way in which they tried to make readers think
        about the existing social issues
 Q33.Write short note on
        Thomas Hardy mayor of casterbridge
        Charls dickens Oliver twist hard time



Q1.Distinguish between bangar and khaddar soils.
Q2.What are Resources.State the different ways in which resources can be
      classified .
Q3.What do you mean by Resource Planning ? What are its different stages?
Q4.State some important measures of resource conservation.Suggest suitable 
       measures for controlling land degradation
Q5.Describe the factors that contribute to the formation and fertility of soil.
Q6.Describe the major features of the black soil and Alluvial soil.
Q7.Define Sustainable development
Q8.Why are the multipurpose river valley projects called the ‘new temples of 
Q9. Put forth your argument against constructing big dams
Q10.Why is it important to conserve water resources ? what measures would  you 
       suggest for the purpose?
Q11.What do you mean by Green Revolution? What have been its benefit ?
Q12.Describe ,in brief ,the cycle of agricultural seasons in India.
Q13.Describe the climatic requirements of Rice , Wheat , sugarcane ,cotton ,jute
Q14. What are the technological and institutional reforms in agriculture sector?
Q15.Distinguish between Intensive , Extensive and Primitive farming .
Q16.Distinguish between  conventional and non-conventional source of energy.
Q17. In the present day energy crisis what steps will you like to take for saving 
       Energy ‘Energy saved is energy produced’Explain.
Q18.Describe the various forms in which minerals occur.
Q19.Describe the significance of minerals in our economic life .
Q20.Identify the major iron ore belts in India .
Q21.Why is it necessary to conserve minerals resources ? Explain any four ways to 
       conserve mineral resources ?
Q22.What measures would you suggest to control environmental degradation and 
         pollution that is caused by industries?
Q23.State the factor determine the location of individual industries in a country.
Q24.Why has the importance of telecom industry been increasing in recent years /
Q25.Compare  and contrast  cotton textile industry, iron and steel industry and jute
        textile industry .
Q26.Mnufacturing sector is the backbone of economic development . Give reason
       to justify this statement.
Q27.Tourism industry in India has grown substantially over the last three decade .
      Support the statement .
Q28.Explain the role of means of transport and communication in making our life
        prosperous and comfortable .
Q29.Why are network of transport and communication called the lifelines of a 
Q30.How would you classify different roads ?
Q31.Briefly describe the major ports of India.
Q32.Roadways still have an edge over railways in India . Support the statement .
Q33.Explain the  prblems faced by  raod transport and railway in India.
Q34.The advancement of international trade of a country is an index of its 
        economic development justify the statement.



Q1.What is the main criterion used by the world bank in classifying different 
      countries ? What are the limitations of this criterion,if any.
Q2.In what respect is the criterion used by the UNDP for measuring development
      from the one  used by the world bank ?
Q3.Why do we used Average ? Are  there any limitation to their uses ? Illustrate 
     with your own examples related to development .
Q4.Kerala with a lower per capita income has a better human development ranking
       than Maharashtra .Hence ,per capita income is not a useful criterion at all and
      should not be used to compare states . Do you agree ? Discuss.
Q5.The earth has enough resources to meet the needs of all but not enough to
       satisfy the greed of even one person.  Explain.
Q6.Define :
    Development ,Gross enrolment ratio,  human development index , IMR,
     life expectancy , Literacy rate, national income ,sustainable development ,
      per capita income , BMI
Q7.Development for one may not be development for another justify
Q8.Explain the difference between primary, secondary and tertiary sectors
Q9.How to create more employment ?
Q10.Write short note on ;
    Disguised unemployment, MNREGA, intermediate goods and final goods ,   
     GDP,    problem of double counting
Q11.How would you distinguish between organized and unorganized sectors .
Q12.How to protect workers in the unorganized sector.
Q13.Explain how public sector contribute  to the economic development of a 
Q14. How does the use of money make it easier to exchange things ?
Q15.What are the various forms of money?
Q16.Why demand deposit considered as money?
Q17.Write short note on SHGs
Q18.Distinguish between formal sources of credit and informal source of credit.
Q19.Why do we need to expand formal source of credit in India?
Q20.Impact of globalization is not uniform justify the statement .
Q21.Exmine any three conditions which should be taken care of by Multinatinal
      company to interlink production across  countries.
Q22.Analyze any five positive effect of globalization on the Indian economy.
Q23.Define liberalization?Describe any four effect of liberalization on the Indian economy
Q24.How are consumer exploited in the market place?
Q25.Analyze the importance of the three- tier judicial machinery under COPRA 
       Act 1986 for the redressal of consumer disputes .
Q26.Critically examine the progress of consumer movement in India .
Q27.Explain the rights of consumer .
Q28.Why rules and regulation needed in the market ?Explain with examples
Q29.  BIS,ISO,agmark,ISI,Hallmark

Q1.Why power sharing is desirable?
Q2.Describe in brief the major forms of power-sharing arrangement in modern 
Q3.Define Majoritarianism.What steps have been taken to establish Sinhala  
Q4.How was the conflict between the two community resolved in Belgium?
Q5.What is the main difference between a federal form of government and a unitary
Q6.Expain the features of federalism.
Q7.Mention the ways in which federalism has been strengthened in india.
Q8.Write sort note on :
  Coalition government ,regionalism , decentralization and its need
Q9.Enumerate the changes relating to local government as brought by the
     constitutional amendment in 1992 .
Q10.Do all the states in the Indian union enjoy equal power? Illustrate with the help 
      of an example.
Q11.If Agriculture and commerce are state subjects ,why do we have ministers for 
       agriculture and commerce in the union cabinets.
Q12.Describe in brief the structure of rural and urban local bodies n India.
Q13.Distinguish between overlapping and cross-cutting social differences.
Q14.Discuss three outcome that determine the outcomes of politics of social
       divisions .
Q15.Every social difference does not leads to social division.
Q16.State in brief the position of women representation in legislature in India.
Q17.What is communalism ? Describe the various forms that communalism  can
       take in a democracy?
Q18.What do you mean by secularism? How does the constitution make india a 
        secular state?
Q19.Describe the various forms that caste can take in politics.
Q20.State the various function that political parties perform in a democracy.
Q21.What are the various challenges faced by political parties?
Q22.Suggest measures to strengthen political parties so that they perform their
        function well.
Q23.Write short note on :
       Single party system, multiparty system, two party system,
Q24.State the condition for regional and national party.
Q25.Describe in brief the measures taken in recent times to reform political parties.
Q26.Decision making in a democratic government is slow. comment .
Q27.Explain the outcome of democracies in terms of equal distribution of income 
       an removal of poverty.
Q28.How does a democracy produce an accountable ,responsive and legitimate 
        government ?
Q29.Democracy is a better form of government than any other form of government.   
        Analyze the statement with arguments.
Q30.Write a brief note on each of the following
      Foundational challenge, challenge of Expansion , deepening of democracy
Q31.What are the different types of challenges being faced by democratic 
        government ?
Q32.Suggest guidelines along which political reforms can be initiated in India.



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SST CLASS 10th economic ch-1