The rise of nationalism in Europe
French artist prepared a series of four prints visualizing his dream of world madeup of democratic and social republics
showed that people come from Europe and America ,all men and women,
all ages
and classes were marching through a long train offering homage to the
statue of
liberty ,the torch of enlightenment she
bears in one hand and the charter of
rights of man in the other . In front
of the statue of liberty the remains of the symbol of absolutist institution
visualize the world a s a distinct nation which were identified by their
flags and
national costume leading
the procession was the united states and Switzerland which by this time already become a nation state followed by France ,Germany (black ,red
and gold flag),then people of Austria, the kingdom of two Sicilies, Lombardy,
England, Ireland hungry and Russia From the
heaven above Christ ,saints and angels gaze upon the scene they symbolize fraternity among the nations of world.
NATION STATE : nation- state was one in which the majority
of its citizen , and its rulers ,came to
develop a sense of common identity , shared history of descent,
culture and having a clearly defined territory.
The french revolution and the idea of
first clear expression of nationalism came with the french revolution in 1789
The revolution in france declared that it was the
people who would henceforth constitute the nation and shape the destiny
Measures and practices that create a
sense of collecting belonging
1.The idea of la-patrie and le-cityon emphasized the
idea that united community enjoy equal rights under a constitution
2.A new tricolour flag was adopted by replacing the
former royal standard
3.The estate general was elected by the body of
active citizen and renamed as National Assembly
4.New hymns were composed ,oaths were taken and
martyrs were commemorated all in the name
of nation.
5.A centralized administrative was introduce ,it
formulate uniform laws for all citizens within this territory
custom duty and dues were abolished and a uniform system of weights and
measures was adopted .
7.Regional dialects were discourage and French ,as
it was spoken and written in Paris became the common language of the nation.
With the outbreak the French revolutionary ,armies
began to carry the idea of nationalism abroad. they declared that it was the
destiny of French Nation to liberate the peoples of Europe from the despotism,
means help to become a nation-state.
Napoleon destroyed democracy in France but he
introduce revolutionary principles in order to make the whole system more
rational and efficient
It is also
known as Napoleonic code
It did
away the all privileges based on birth
Established equality before law
Secured the right to property
beside this
he simplified the administrative arrangement
Abolished the
feudal system
Freed peasant
from serfdom and Manorial dues
In the town
guild restriction were removed
Transport and
communication system were improved
Peasant Artisan
and businessmen were enjoyed a new found freedom
they realize
that uniform law , standardized weight and measures and a
currency facilitate the movement
: people have mixed reaction, Initially French armies were welcome as a
harbingers of liberty but it was soon turned to hostility as it became clear
that the new administrative arrangement will not go hand in hand with political
taxation ,censorship ,forced conscription in the French armies required to
conquer the rest of Europe
The making of nationalism in europe
mid eighteenth century Europe we find that there were no nation state as we
know them today.
Today's country exist in Europe were under the control of autocratic monarchies, the do not have a common
culture and collective identity
example : the Hapsburgs empire that ruled over Austria –hung aria consist of
alpine regions and bohemia ,Italian provinces ,Lombardy etc. In hungry half of
the people speak Magyar language and other half speak different dialects
All these diverse group owed a
common allegiance to the emperor.
Autocracy was dominant class, small in number ,they owned estates, spoke
French for purpose and they were connected by ties of marriage
Majority of the people made up of peasantry ,land was farmed by
teanant,In eastern and central Europe
land was cultivated by serfs .In western part(England France and Germany)
industrialization taken roots.
Middle class made up of industrialist ,businessmen,
professionals, among them the ideas of national unity followed and the
abolition of aristocracy gained popularity
The term
liberalism derives from the Latin root Liber
Which means free
Political meaning :
It emphasized the concept of government by consent
It stood for
a constitution and representative government through parliament
It stood for private property, It stood for freedom
for the individual and equality of all before the law. (example
suffrage was limited then during
Napoleon limited suffrage )
Economics meaning It
stood for the freedom of markets .It stood for the abolition of state-imposed
restriction on the movement of goods and capital. It directly contribute to the
growth of economic unification and nationalism, It expand the size of markets
.It result in creation of a unified economic territory that allows the
unhindered movement of goods ,people and capital. It stimulate mobility .
Zollverein: A custom union formed
by the initiative of prussia,abolished tariff barriers and reduced the number
of currencies from over thirty to two
A New Conservative Regime after 1815
European government
was driven by a spirit of conservatism.
It was a political philosophy that stressed the
importance of tradition, established institution (like monarchy ,the church
,social hierarchies )and customs and preferred gradual development to quick
Napoleon was
defeated in 1815 by the Britain ,Russia ,Prussia and Austria and met at Vienna
to make settlement in Europe. It was hosted by Austrian chancellor duke
Metternich .the delegate drew up the treaty of Vienna of 1815
Features of treaty of vienna
The bourbon dynasty ,which had been deposed during
the French revolution ,was restored to power
France lost the territories it had annexed under
A series of state were set up on the boundaries of
France to prevent French expansion in future
Prussia was given important new territories on its
western frontiers
Austria was given control of northern Italy
In the east , Russia was given part of Poland.while
Prussia was given a port of Saxony
The main idea behind the treaty was to restore the
monarchies that had been overthrown by Napoleon .
Nature of conservative regimes :did not tolerate
criticism ,curb the activity which are against the autocratic govt , also
curbed the liberty and freedom
Idea of revolutionary: opposing autocratic govt
fighting for liberty and freedom ,working for the creation of nation- state
Gusepe mazzini born in Genoa in 1807, Italian revolutionary
at the age of 24, he was sent to exile for attempting a revolution in Liguria
He founded two underground societies that is young Italy in Marseilles and
young Europe in Berne He said that small states and kingdom of Italy should be
forged into a single unified republic
Austrian chancellor Duke Metternich had describe
Mazzini as the most dangerous enemy of social order
The age of revolution 1830-1848
The first
upheaval took place in France in July revolution1830,The bourbon king
who was restored to power after the treaty of Vienna .The autocratic monarchy
was overthrown by the liberals and a constitutional monarchy with Louis
Philippe at its head was installed in France
Duke Metternich said ‘When France sneezes the rest of Europe
catches cold’
When the
news of July revolution spread there is uprising in Brussels which led to
Belgium breaking away from the united kingdom of the Netherlands.
An event
that mobilized nationalist feelings among the educated elite across Europe was the Greek war of
The struggle
began in 1821 nationalist in Greece got support from other Greeks living in
exile . Greeks also got support from many west Europeans who had sympathies for
ancient Greek culture . Greece was lauded as the cradle of European
civilization ,in short Greek got support from different areas and got
independence in 1832 the treaty of Constantinople
A cultural movement which sought to develop a
particular form of nationalist movement through art and poetry , stories and
music and vernacular language
1.Eugene Delacroix : he was one of the most
important French romantic painters by dramatizing the killing of Greeks by
Turks ,focusing on the suffering of women and children and using different
colours. By this he want to create sympathy for the Greeks .
2.Johann Gottfried herder :He
was a German philosopher. he claimed that true German culture was to be
discovered among the common people .It was through folk songs ,folk poetry and
folk dances that the true spirit of the nation was popularized .
3.Karol kurpinski :
He was a polish he celebrated the national struggle through his operas and
music ,turning folk dances into a nationalist symbols .
folk dances like polonaise and mazurka
into a nationalist symbols
4 Jacob Grium and wilhem Grimm: They were
brothers . Both of them were born in Germany they developed an interest in
collecting old folktales . They believed that folktales were expressions of
pure and authentic German spirit
5.Language : to played role in developing
nationalist sentiments ,after Russian occupation polish was forced out and
Russian language was forced out ,polish was used for church gatherings and all
religious instruction
Hunger hardship and popular revolt 1830
There was an enormous increase in population all
over Europe
Small producers in towns were often faced with tough
competition from imports of cheap machine made goods from England
Mass migration of population took place from rural
to urban areas in search of jobs
Peasant struggled under the burden of feudal dues
and obligation
The condition become more worst in 1848 due to
unemployment: employment opportunity were slow to develop because of the
emergence and spread of machine made goods
Food shortages and rise in food prices in this
situation people of France came out on the roads result was
Barricades were erected ,Louis Philippe was forced
to flee the national assembly was proclaimed a republic ,suffrage was granted
to all adult males above 21 ,right to work was guaranteed ,national workshops
to provide employment were setup
1848 the revolution of liberals
After the event of February 1848 in France ,republic
came to be established and universal suffrage was granted. When this message was spread in European
Men and women of liberal middle class combined their
demand for constitution ,freedom of the press, freedom of association and national unification (creation of
In Germany a large number of political association
include professionals ,businessmen and prosperous artisan came together in the
Frankfurt and decided to vote for an all
German nation assembly, on 18 may 1848, 831 elected members marched to
Frankfurt parliament in church of St. Paul ,they drafted constitution headed by
monarchy, when the crown was offered to king of Prussia ,he rejected and join
other monarch to oppose the elected assembly, military and opposition became
stronger at the end troops were called and the assembly was disband
Though conservative forces were able to suppress the
liberals but they could not restore the old order they believed that the cycle
of revolution and repression could be ended only by granted concession
Unification of germany
In 1848,a large number of political associations
whose members were middle class professional ,businessmen and artisan tried to
unite the different regions of Germany into a nation state governed by an
elected parliament
This initiative was suppress by the combined forces
of monarchy and military ,supported by the landlord of Prussia known as Junkers
There after
Prussia took the leadership of movement of national unification Its chief
minister ottoman Bismarck was the architect of this process .He followed the
policy of “Blood and Iron” He took the help of Prussian army and
bureaucracy and over a period of seven years he fought three wars
with Austria , Denmark and France and emerged victorious
This victories
completed the process of unification of Germany . In January 1871, the Prussian king Kaiser William I was
proclaimed the German emperor
Unification of Italy
Italy was scattered over several dynastic states as
well as the multi-national Habsburg Empire It was divided into seven state out
which only one, Sardinia-piedmont ,was ruled by an Italian princely house,
north was under Austrian Hapsburgs , the centre was ruled by the pope and the
southern region were under the dominion
of the bourbon king of Spain
1830 Giuseppe Mazzini try to unite Italy ,he formed
secret society called young Italy and
young Europe, after the failure of the uprising by the Giuseppe Mazzini the
mantle fall on the Sardinia-piedmont to unify Italy nation through war
Chief minister Cavour who led the movement to unify
the region of Italy was neither a revolutionary nor a democratic, he spoke
French much better than he did Italian
Through a tactful diplomatic alliance with France
engineered by Cavour , Sardinia-piedmont
in defeating the Austrian forces in 1859.
Giuseppe Garibaldi joined the fray ,marched into
south Italy and the kingdom of the two Sicilies and succeeded in winning the
Support of the local peasant in order to drive out the spanish rulers .
In 1861
Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed
as the king of Italy
Strange case of Britain
Unification of Britain was the result of a
long-drawn out process there was no British nation prior to 18th
century, primary identity of the people was WISE(welsh ,Irish ,scot and
English) ,As the nation grow English grew in wealth and power
In 1688 ,after the protracted struggle the English
parliament seized power from monarchy the parliament proved to be an instrument
through which a nation-state ,with England at the centre , came to be forged.
The Act of Union 1707 led to the formation of the
United kingdom of Great Britain with this , England was able to influence on
Scotland, the parliament was dominant by English, they systematically suppress
the Scottish people, they were forbidden to speak their Gallic language or wear
their national dress ,and large no were forcibly driven out of their
Ireland suffered similar fate ,it was a country
divided between Catholics and protestant with a catholic majority .The English
help the protest to establish their dominance over catholic, the Catholics
revolted but suppressed after the failed revolt led by Wolfe tone and his
united Irishmen 1798, Ireland was forcibly incorporated into the united kingdom
in 1801,a British nation came into existence where English culture was
predominant, older nation partners survive as subordinate
The British flag (union jack ) and the national
anthem(god save our noble king )
And the English language were actively promoted
Visualizing the nation
Artist of that time personify the nation as a female
figure this was not actually stand for any particular woman in real life in fact it sought to give the abstract idea
of the nation a concrete form that is the female figure became an allegory of the nation
In France she was given the a popular name Marianne
underlined the idea of people's nation her characteristics – the red cap ,the
tricolor , the cockade were all drawn
from those of liberty and the republic ,her image was marked on coins and maps
,her statue were erected in public figures to remind the public of the national
symbol of unity and to persuade them to identify with it
Germania in Germany , Germania wears the crown of oak leaves as the German
oaks stands for heroism
Nationalism and imperialism
By the last quarter of the nineteenth century
nationalism no longer retained its idealistic liberal-democratic sentiment of
the first half of the century, but became a narrow creed with limited ends.
Two factor contribute in the change of the form of
nationalism. First was that gradually nationalist group became
increasingly intolerant of each other and were ever ready to go to war. Secondly
the major European powers started manipulating the nationalist aspiration of
the subjects peoples in Europe to further their own imperialist aims.
Nationalist tensions started brewing in Europe after
1871. The most serious source of this tension was the area called the Balkans .
This area is commonly known as the Turkish Empire . It comprises modern-day
Romania, Bulgaria , Albania , Greece ,Macedonia , Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro. The inhabitant of this area were broadly known
as Slavs.
A large part of Balkans was under the control of
ottoman Empire ,it was very large but gradually its sultans became weak and
worthless. A large part of its population was Christian whereas the sultan used
to be Muslims ,they pay attention to the demand of Muslims as a result other
feels alienated
There are many Christian country in the Europe who
supported the Christian in this area as
a result they enter the internal politics and it seemed as if this empire would
disintegrate and collapse.
When the ottoman empire wants to strengthen
itself with every steps the small
country broke away from the ottoman empire and declared themselves as
They said that history to prove that they had once
been independent
There are three problems which complicate the
Balkans problemsThe Balkan area became an area of intense conflict each try to
struggle to define their identity and independence
The Balkan states were fiercely jealous of each
other and each hoped to gain more territory at the expense of the others
matter became
the scene of big power rivalry ,each interested power Russia , Germany ,England
,Austria-Hungary was keen on countering the hold of the power over the Balkans,
and extending its own control over the area. This led to a series of wars in
the region and finally the first world war broke out from this region only.
Thus nationality aligned with
imperialism and ultimately led to the disastrous first world war
thanks sir and happy teachers day in advance
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Deleteyou see the message late
DeleteHappy Teacher's Day
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