India is an agricultural country :
About 60 % of India’s labour force depends upon agriculture, source of livelihood
About 25% of India’s national income is generated in the agriculture sector
About 10% of india‘s total export s come from the agriculture sector
It is source of food grains, source of fodder for animals, source of raw material and provides a big market for all types of goods, consumer as well as capital
Types of farming :
1. Prmitive subsistence farming : It implies cultivation of food crops for self-consumption ,  that is consumption by the family , primitive tools are used like hoe,dao and digging sticks
   It is a slash and burn agriculture : farmer clear a patch of land and produce cereals and other food crops to sustain their family when the soil fertility decreases the farmers shift and clear a fresh patch of land for cultivation  
     It is known as jhumming in north-eastern state , dipa in bastar,
     Milpa in mexico, roca in brazil , masole in central Africa , ray in Vietnam
    Bewar and dhaiya in madhyapradesh,podu of penda in Andhra Pradesh,kumara in western  ghats,waltre or vlare in south-eastern rajasthan, kuruwa in Jharkhand .
2.Extensive farming :  
It implies bringing more area under cultivatin there may or may not be any effort to introduce improved agricultural technique on land productivity
3. Intensive farming:
Intensive farming implies introduction of machinery and other improved agricultural practices and increased use of fertilizers , HYV seed ,irrigation ,pesticides ,insecticides etc .It is labour intensive farming
4. Commercial farming:
It is a farming where the use of higher doses of modern inputs, e.g. HYV seeds, chemical fertilizer ,insecticides and pesticides in order to obtain higher productivity .
Rice is a commercial crop in Haryana and Punjab, but in Odisha, it is a subsistence crop.
Plantation is a type of crop in which a single crop is grown on a large area by using capital intensive input  for example  in India tea coffee rubber ,sugarcane ,banana etc
KHARIF:  kharif season begins with the pre-monsoon showers, in the month of May during this period; farmers plough land, prepare nurseries and await the break of the monsoon
Sowing   May –July
Harvesting –Sept –Oct            Crops – Rice, Maize, Jowar, Bajra, Sugarcane and Jute
Areas – Assam .WB, AP, Kerala, Maharashtra 
Sowing – Oct – Dec       Harvesting – Feb   -  April
Crops – wheat ,barley peas , gram and oilseeds
Area – Punjab ,Haryana ,himachal Pradesh,jamu and Kashmir,UP
ZAID : Zaid is sown in between kharif and rabi ,these are short duration crops like   
         watermelon,muskmelon,cucumber ,vegetable and fodder crops are grown
Any other point
25°C and above
Minimum 100cm
Fertile alluvial soil
West Bengal,UP,AP,panjab
TN,Haryana ,kerala

10°C -15°C during growth
20°C-25°C during ripening
50-75cm , 100cm is the upper limit 
Loamy and black soil
Rajashthan , Gujarat
Maharashtra ,Bihar

Sugar- cane
Rich alluvial, light clay or black soil
UP,Maharashtra , panjab,AP, TN, karnataka

150-200 cm
Forest soil rich in humus , phosphorus, potash and iron content
Assam , Darjeeling and jalpaiguri in west Bengal, and nilgiri hills in south India

Well drained late rite soils
Kerala ,Karnataka , Tamil Nadu

20°-30°C(210 Frost free day )
100 cm
Black and alluvial soil
Gujarat ,Maharashtra , AP, Haryana, Rajasthan, Karnataka

Fertile alluvial soils of flood plains
West Bengal, Bihar , Assam, Orissa , UP

Technological and institutional reforms:
Technological reforms : By technological reforms we mean the introduction of better inputs and new equipment .The use of these inputs and equipment helps the farmer derive more output some of the technique are as follows:
Tube wells and pumps ,   Tractors ,trucks and trolleys 
Tillers ,threshers and harvesters ,HYV  seeds ,Fertilizers ,Pesticides and insecticides ,New means of irrigation, such as drip irrigation and sprinkler system
Green revolution and White revolution are live examples
Institutional reforms:
Abolitation of Zamindari system : The cultivator has been brought indirect contact with the government . As a  result, There is no intermediary now to exploit the poor cultivator.
Consolidation of Holdings: The scattered and fragmented holdings of farmers have been consolidated into a single tract. As a result, the farmer saves time, energy and resources
Widespread use of Radio and Television: It enables the farmers to get knowledge about new agricultural practices, new production techniques and the market.

Crop Insurance : Farmers are  protected against the vagaries of nature

Rural Banking and Co –Operative Societies: It enables farmers to get easy loans for production and investment purposes
Minimum Support  Price : These protect the farmers to get easy loans for production marketing of crops, especially if there is a bumper crop . He has been assured of a minimum guaranteed price

Policy of KCC and PAIS  also helped farmers in production 


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